Friday, February 12, 2010

Does Faeces Get Rid Of Bacteria Sorry This Is Gross, But Has Anyone Ever Had To Get Rid Of Rat Urine/feces Smell?

Sorry this is gross, but has anyone ever had to get rid of rat urine/feces smell? - does faeces get rid of bacteria

My husband and I recently bought a house, only to discover that rats in the crawl space under our room, no family. We call an exterminator to get rid of them, what they did and he clean up while he was there and sealed the holes where it is to get rid of the problem now, the smell traces of urine and faeces. I read that bleach and water might work, but I wonder if someone in front and managed to actually use it? Even if you have any other ideas for more of the smell, the release you in the past, I would love to hear. Thank you, Cheryl


bigmrawt said...

Cheryl Hey, My home renovation companies, usually about 200 years, you can imagine the amount of damage caused by rodents, we af, rats, squirrels, mice, bats. We swear by a product called OdoBan, here we are also your data are not watered down, it is being used. ...

We bought it at Sam's Club, according to the website can be found at any Wal-Mat

ohsofrog... said...

I feel compelled to tell you that to use if you plan on chemicals to clean the urine of rats should ensure that ventilation is strong and the use of protective clothing and a mask and gloves. You must be very careful with the choice of chemicals in the form of rat urine contains ammonia and is a chemical reaction (gas), if you are not careful cause. If you do not bleach, you are in a solution of 1.10. One part bleach to ten parts water. I would strongly recommend the use of the use of an enzyme cleaner. GOOD LUCK!

mrsdebra... said...

All Febreze, too!

superche... said...

Chlorine in the pavement used by human urine, it worked ok!

Bleach and some Fru Fru cleaner smells good!

blue glass said...

I tried bleach and water first to get rid of everything in this way and then, if not, I use an enzyme cleaner.

I had very good results with a product called Anti-Icky-poo in the urine and feces. (Silly, silly name, but a seriously good product to say.) Manufacturers that the abolition of the smell of urine, feces, skunk and dead! Thank God, I never had to try for them, but I swear it, for urine and feces. For sale by correspondence

So, sometimes when you do not shut rid of the smell, to work to tidy up. May the work in an apartment, but I'm not sure if a crawl space.

Elizabeth G said...

You can try a sample of urine, pet odor stain remover first. One can easily make a quality product at any pet shop.

Belle said...

There are products specifically designed for this kind of thing. The one I used successfully is to get RID of cat / the smell of dog urine in the carpet, "Odo-Ban." A deodorant / disinfectant, biodegradable, nontoxic .. feels so good. It will concentrate in a gallon, so that you can decide for yourself what you must be strong.

The disadvantage is that it can be a product of merchantable quality hard to find. A quick Google has shown that you) to 4 gallons (case of buy, but I see that you can find at Walmart. I remember that I bought at Sam's Club, or a string array of hardware.

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