Monday, January 4, 2010

Gadget Speed Test Is Anyone Getting CLOSE To Advertised Speeds With Cricket Broadband?

Is anyone getting CLOSE to advertised speeds with Cricket Broadband? - gadget speed test

I bought the cricket broadband, and I'm not happy. I sold 400 + KB / download even on-line test, which have to reach 600 + KB / s. Objectives

I have Windows Vista and gadget-monitoring network in my sidebar and use only 50 kbit / s connection. Everything is slow ... YouTube streaming and Hula is a joke. I am so angry that I purchased it.

Has anyone a better connection speed than that? I have the signal strength, but no where near the promised connection speed. Your support has been a joke and useful. I am ready to throw.

(PS On a side note test download online .... I'll say I'm 600 Kb / s when my gadget not break network 50 kb / s during the test. WTF is up with that? J I have many different sides .)


legacyne... said...

Hello, I also BB Cricket. Speed has been announced, I think + / - 500 kb / s, the BITS is. This translates into about 70 kb / s, which is BYTES .. Well, sometimes I do that the speed as you download directly to a server very fast, but often have, especially for P2P downloads, I have about 40 KB / s max, and (only because I'md / l ) on several hosts. . For a few weeks ago failed to break 10 KB / s * nothing *, and was furious. I realized that the 30 days have passed and my 5Gigabytes was assigned during the month, the rate once again increased. I suspect that gas customers not near their limit of 5 GB per month. It is a PPPoE connection, so you all go through a centralized, easy to control, too. I also believe that detection and BitTorrent accelerator. Who knows when.
The service is designed for medium-speed Internet, and there is more mobility at high speed. For the money, and taking into account that no loan, no contract, so it's really not bad. Even if you do not have 3G (EVDO or maybe) in the vicinity "LL back to 1xRTT, which is slower. Use the cable with the USB modem that you two USB ports provided at the same time, the power of (on the radio signal volts per port): they can help you when you return signal for the low turnout .. Well, good luck. Qwest, after the introduction of the 20-megabit fiber in parts of 30 or $ 40, do you think? I welcome it! Peace be with you ..

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