Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kennel Cages I Am Looking To Build A Dog Kennel Only 3 Cages With Concret Base Any Suggestion?

I am looking to build a dog kennel only 3 cages with concret base any suggestion? - kennel cages

My son is 10 soon 11th He loves dogs and we took care of dogs in our house, I would often help my son, now you know better, and I thought I could help build a small kennel for dogs. We are on 10x12 concrete base surrounded by a fence. The first this summer and would see how it works, someone has suggestions or someone has done this before. What are the laws that we live in New York


El Kabong said...

There are dozens of sites and the planned extension of this advice is only a part ...
I Searh Kennel plans,,,

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