Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is A Remote Starter Necessary Is A Remote Car Starter Really Necessary?

Is a remote car starter really necessary? - is a remote starter necessary

I live in Illinois and the winters are bad, I think. But it is worthwhile to get a remote starter. I can not start the car and drive because the engine is warming even faster than the way? or what is the main reason for a remote starter?


hsueh010 said...

A decade ago, remote car starters are very rare, and as always a good feature of the car, especially if you live in a cold region. (Sun, heated seats in these areas).

The main reason for a remote starter has started the vehicle and let the engine warm (helps the oil flow a little, but these days with some of the oil viscosity is not necessary as it was in the past) and heating systems.

Chunky Monkey said...

not really .. but if you're in a hot car, then it would be useful.

midvolgu... said...

If you let the icing on, it is easier, the ice on the windshield in the morning to scratch very bad

midvolgu... said...

If you let the icing on, it is easier, the ice on the windshield in the morning to scratch very bad

db667089 said...

The remote starter is that you can not get warm in the cold, except to your car. This is only for convenience.

donkeypu... said...

Car starters are for the convenience. if not on-REV your engine as a safety buckle and adjust the mirror to take enough heat. it is not enough heat to defrost the windows, of course, is dangerous. Appetizers cars are beautiful, but you can not find the snow of clean vehicles. I live in the Canadian Arctic today-27c and I do not have a car holder. its nice to see the oil pressure gauge when starting a vehicle and that is hard to do from from home.

nrecore0... said...

Your personal preferences. Techincally have to leave your car in hot oil to the valve in place. However, its quite how you want. I like that I can get in the car and do not freeze.

cutiecai... said...

Leave the car for the race to sit, especially in cold weather, because we let the hot engine oil need, when you start the car with no heat can damage the engine!

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