Friday, February 5, 2010

Pictures Clothes Rail Wall Mounted Any Stag Night Stories?

Any Stag Night Stories? - pictures clothes rail wall mounted

Last week was my stag night and my best friend was welcomed by me. We went back to his wife and his sister in front of the house at night and we had a awsome party. We had, of course, strippers and much, much alcohol and generally a awsome night for me was. By the end of the night when all my drunken friends decided they needed to be naked, because it was one of my last night as a bachelor. So, all my friends drunk idiot conspiracy against me, and I find myself quite drawn out and touch the hands to the railing with my friends before the steps are there in your garden. They used duct tape couldnt move my hands, then he came back and left me naked, tied my hands with everyone. If there crying the whole night and couldnt bare to my friends or I'll call to wake the neighbors. The next morning, before anyone was seen by the woman of my friends and her sister, stood in the way of unity. He laughed when he saw me and then my sister said too bad going for the scissors in front of our neighbor island see you "and then a woman on my friendbefore me and put a camera in my pocket and snapped a photo of me and said: "I thought, wow Jason had tried to conceal his pack, then he laughed. Over time, they were m 'and I cut my business but the image remains at large. complete, if it is still a funny farewell.


michelle g said...

LOL! * Applause * to your friends: D

Let me know who was stag night, my husband pay to play chess and the discussion of Socrates and Plato ... Riiight. Pity I was the one who helped her skirt and corset back. Yes, your friends (and my brother) made him wear a skirt, a corset and a wig, and was then led through the city (it started at 10) with the various tasks you.

The only job I like it when they took to a shop for adults and my brother, my friend would go to the store and something that he would be like my older brother for me to approve: D My friend lost propose to the challenge at.

She gave him a slap on the wrist as Belle, which take the whole day and if not, you could hold more than one drink penalty. He had to move even while playing paintball: D

There was also a strip club in question, and my husband to remove their athletes and do a pole dance for the strippers ... I paid lots of money to be there for tHat: D

I am also very jealous of the night, the deer was from my husband since the night of the chicken a total failure and boring.

Tweak H said...

ROFL ... This is an amazing story!

Camara said...

LOL too funny. I think I have this image in my e-mail ... JK

shzcuntr... said...

wow ... one of the cartoons that things have one lmao!

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