Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stuffy Room When Exercised How Can I Get My Cheeks To Become Less Red?

How can I get my cheeks to become less red? - stuffy room when exercised

I wear no makeup to hide or something like that. My cheeks were really red when I'm Embaressed or if I am in a stuffy room (at the expense of others). Is there a way, a little of what happens when cool?


Brian said...

PPL and gradually expose urself 2 Conversate with them. ur body chemistry will eventually get used 2, redness and departure 2 declined and disappeared. if they only PPL U appears no1 is still not aware or wat 2 UR does or says. Voila! Problem solved!

Fi said...


Experiencing the same problem as you, but my cheeks are always red. Reeally steam helps me. Before we ii in the shower, you mosturize your own and really helps to reduce the redness of my

I hope to help
Fi X

Gayle said...

Yes !!!!!!

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